Importance of Quality Education
Education is the most important tool for the improvement of humanity as well as to develop modernization in civilization. Every government considers Education to be the most essential pillar that holds the whole nation together and leads the state towards ultimate success. Education is important for both personal and community development; its mission is to enable each one of us, without exceptions, to develop all our talents to the fullest and to realize our creative potentiality, including responsibility for our own lives and achievement of our personal aims.
Quality education helps students to develop all of their attributes and skills to achieve their potential as human beings and members of society here at Bhavy Education we help you find hidden skills of your child. Quality education, therefore, implies looking into what desirable changes the educational institution wants to make in each student. Setting a high standard and helping the students work toward them.
Some special features of quality education:
(1) Quality education is a human right and an important public good, governments, and other public authorities should ensure that quality education services are available free of cost for all citizens from early childhood into adulthood.
(2) Quality education provides the foundation for equality in society.
(3) Quality education not only enlightens the citizens but also empowers them and enables them to contribute to the maximum extent possible to the social and economic development of their community.
(4) A quality education is the one that focuses on each one of the following—the social, physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive development of each student regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. It prepares the child for life, not only for learning outcomes.
The challenge of improving the quality of education is training teachers and supporting them with modern teaching equipment, tools, and methodologies — like smart classrooms and digital content of the course–needs to be taken up so that teachers take pride in their classroom performances smoothly. The future of the country depends on a quality education which is to be provided in every school. The reality is that about 124 million children across the globe are out of school and 250 million children are not learning basic skills because of poor quality education.
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