Random Facts You won’t Believe Existed
In this blog we will see some amazing and random facts which you won’t believe actually exist
- Generally, a Giant Panda eats approx. 27 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year!
- The Nobel Peace Prize is named after Sir. Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite.
- Cats are not able to taste anything sweet.
- An average person farts an average of 14 times a day, and each fart travels out you’re your body at 11.2 kmph.
- One of the most important ingredients needed for the production of dynamite is peanuts.
- The largest living organism in the world is a fungus. It is in Oregon, covering 2,200 acres and it is still growing.
- A Snail can nap the longest!
- Kangaroos cannot walk in the backward direction.
- A horse’s sprint is in a 3-beat manner. On the second beat, opposite front and rear legs all hit the ground at the same time. After that the third beat is a “rest”, or suspension when all three legs are off the ground.
- Do you want a chocolate-smelling poo? There is a pill for that.
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